GPS Web Tracking Software Updates 20161219
By gps tracking device In Blog On December 19, 2016
UniGuard, as a professional GPS tracking solutions supplier, including GPS tracker and GPS Web Tracking software, strive to keep our technology advanced, ahead of time and client’s request. With time flies by, the GPS web tracking software comes to the third important updating, as below:
1.Add AMAP LBS location interface for domestic market
2.Support muti-user login. Once same account can be logged in at same time at any places.
3.Optimize online command accuracy and delivery.
4.Optimize asset data by adding: Driver Name, Driver Tel, GP Tracker Model
5.Optimize OBD data details
6.Optimize mileage accuracy
7.Add requesting of vehicle fault code
8.Optimize history play-back traces. Overspeed traces will be Red.
9.Optimize address request information, since Google map restricts the geo-coding request every day, all the requested address data shall be cached for next time usage. (Single Arrow means address obtains from Google map, Double Arrow means address obtains from Cache.)
10.Add report of alarm management
11.Optimize bulk assets import
12.When user account expires, service provider details shall display.
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