Car GPS Tracker| Vehicle Fuel Monitoring Solutions| UniGuard China

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GPS Tracker Customization

Various GPS Tracker Functions for different requirements

GPS Tracker Customization

By In Blog On March 26, 2014

Uniguard Technology Limited have taken advantages over other companies in both GPS tracking device and WEB tracking software customizations, with strong, advanced and quick-response technologies.

The following are the GPS Tracker customizations we are fully capable to work out.

GPS Tracker UT01

1.Add Flash Memory to store GPS data when device entering GSM blind areas. It can store at most 6 days data.
2.Extend port 8 high level voltage alarm to detect door/air-conditioner status (Open/Close)
3.Add extra beeper/horn to give out sound alarm.
4.Add shock sensor to support shock alarm.
5. Add ACC ON SMS alert. Send text message (SMS) to cellphone when vehicle ACC turns on.
6.Update GPS data to server by turning angels. This is to avoid device cross building on map without any turn.
7.Update GPS data to server by distance.
8.Add temperature sensor for temperature monitoring and temperature alarm (Internal or external temperature sensor)
9.Add sleep mode to save GPRS data.
10.Delete external power cut alarm. UT01 has external power cut alarm or anti-break alarm.
11.Stop vehicle/Cut oil/fuel at any speed. Default is to cut fuel only when vehicle speed is below 20 KM/H for security reason.
12.Car-theft prevention: If tracker SIM card or the tracker is completely removed from vehicle, tracker will auto cut fuel or electric to immobilize engine

Mini GPS Tracker UM02

1.Add backup battery so as to add external power cut alarm (anti-break alarm)
2.Add flash memory to store GPS data when device entering GSM blind areas. It can store at most 6 days data.
3. Add ACC ON SMS alert. Send text message (SMS) to cellphone when vehicle ACC turns on.
4.Stop vehicle/Cut oil/fuel at any speed. Default is to cut fuel only when vehicle speed is below 20 KM/H for security reason.
5.Movement alarm radius at 50KM. Default is from 0KM to 5KM
6.Send text command (SMS) to obtain vehicle address

GPS Fuel Camera Tracker UT04

1.Add flash memory to store GPS data when device entering GSM blind areas. It can store at most 6 days data.
2.Add temperature sensor for temperature monitoring and temperature alarm (Internal or external temperature sensor).
3.Support more than 1 fuel level sensor, at most 4 fuel sensors.
4.Support fuel anti-theft alarm with fuel level sensor. When fuel suddenly decreased by sudden amount, SMS alarm will be sent to user’s phone.
5.Support fuel anti-theft alarm with light flashing and sound alarm. Install LED light and beeper on oil box, use IR sensor to detect when someone approaches oil box, then light will flash and alarm turns on.
6.Support 2 Cameras
7.Support RSS232 according to requirements
8. Car-theft prevention: If tracker SIM card or the tracker is completely removed from vehicle, tracker will auto cut fuel or electric to immobilize engine
9. Drive permission with RFID card. Without RFID Card, vehicle engine cannot turn on even there is vehicle key.

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