Car GPS Tracker| Vehicle Fuel Monitoring Solutions| UniGuard China

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vehicle fuel monitoring

vehicle fuel monitoring with GPS fuel tracker and fuel sensor

Vehicle Fuel Monitoring

By In Blog On August 2, 2016

Steps about how to use the GPS fuel Tracker UT04 and Fuel Sensor

Sensor installation,

If you are using ultrasonic fuel sensor, please follow the ultrasonic fuel sensor steps to install and test it.

If you are using capacitive fuel sensor, please follow the capacitive sensor installation, and calibrate it if the sensor is cut!!! (When tank is fuel, the sensor output voltage is 5V, when tank is empty, output voltage is 0V)

GPS Fuel Tracker UT04 installation,

Follow the user manual to install GPS tracker, connect antennas, SOS, MIC, and power wires.

Insert SIM card, SIM card should activate GPRS data, SMS, and Caller ID display. Record GPS tracker SIM number

Connect sensor to tracker,

No matter for which type of fuel sensor, connect their Voltage output wire to GPS Fuel Tracker UT04 Purple wire-Label is Fuel 

Set Tracker to Web Tracking Software

Add Tracker ID to web tracking software

Text a message to GPS tracker to set IP and Port to GPS tracker SIM number


Fuel calibration steps


  1. GPS tracker is reporting and located at web software
  2. GPS tracker is connected with Right installed fuel sensor
  3. Add or reduce fuel to the tank and make the fuel amount in tank as 100% 75% 50% 25% (You can use 100% 90% 80% ,etc as well.) More calibration data, more accurate fuel monitoring.
  4. Engine ACC is at ON state
  5. Text SMS command to GPS tracker

Calibration (Below data are examples, you need follow your tracker reply. Make a record of each reply)

  1. Say fuel in tank is full 100%. Send command A000000,017,100 , GPS tracker will reply as (100,148)
  2. Say fuel in tank is 75%. Send command A000000,017,75 , GPS tracker will reply as (75,108)
  3. Say fuel in tank is 50%. Send command A000000,017,50 , GPS tracker will reply as (50,70)
  4. Say fuel in tank is 25%. Send command A000000,017,25 , GPS tracker will reply as (25, 30)

Fill calibration data on web software

Here we have below calibration data




(25, 30)

(0,0) when tank is empty, it is always zero

vehicle fuel monitoring

vehicle fuel monitoring

vehicle fuel monitoring

vehicle fuel monitoring

vehicle fuel monitoring

vehicle fuel monitoring

Vehicle fuel monitoring Steps Download

Fuel monitoring Report: Fuel Monitoring Report

Does the ultrasonic fuel level sensor work with Teltonika GPS Tracker?

We have tested our sensor with Teltonika FMB125 GPS Tracker and it works excellently. You can config the sensor on Teltonika computer firmware. Choose the Sensor Model Name UL212.

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